National CAPACD is now accepting proposals for workshop presentations for our 10th Annual National Convention, Celebrating a Decade of Unity: A Time of Change. With the recent transition in the federal government and the current downturn in the economy, the needs of AND the opportunities for the Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) community has never been greater! Join us to engage in shaping initiatives not only for the AAPI community but also for the country! Click here for a workshop proposal form.
National CAPACD's Convention provides a platform for hundreds of community organizers, housing and economic development organizations and social service providers that work with Asian, Pacific Islander, Native Hawaiian and other minority and immigrant communities to gather and share ideas for comprehensive solutions to community empowerment, development and planning. Visit our website for more information about our convention!
We invite presentations from service providers, educators, researchers, policymakers, youth, business representatives, government officials, media representatives, technical assistance providers and others. We encourage innovative workshop formats as well as workshops that explore actions and projects at different levels (from local, statewide, regional to national). We seek diversity in topics, formats, and presenters. WORKSHOP PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2009. Click here for a workshop proposal form.
Do not hesitate to contact Hieu Truong, Program Cooridnator at hieu@nationalcapacd.org or (202) 223-2442 with any questions you may have regarding workshop proposals.
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