Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations
Hepatitis B Policy Fellowship
Deadline to Apply: March 2, 2009
For further questions regarding eligibility or the application process, please contact or call 510.272.9536 x 103.
Purpose: The Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations
(AAPCHO) is establishing a Hepatitis B Policy Fellowship Program in 2009.
In the United States, an estimated 2 million people are living with chronic hepatitis
B, with a disproportionate impact on the Asian American and Pacific Islander
community. It is thought that over 800,000 Asian Americans in total are living with
the disease, comprising more than 40 percent of all cases in the United States.
Recent studies have found that 10 percent of foreign‐born Asian Americans are
chronically infected with hepatitis B.
Approximately 25 percent of people with chronic hepatitis B develop chronic liver
disease, cirrhosis or primary liver cancer – this is unnecessary and unacceptable
chronic hepatitis B is a treatable disease. Many are unaware of their condition
because hepatitis B can progress without noticeable symptoms. Without awareness,
screening and diagnosis, these people are not receiving treatment that could slow
the disease, and may unintentionally be exposing others to the hepatitis B virus. The
lack of routine screening in Asian American communities in the United States is one
of the main reasons why rates of liver cancer are significantly higher in these
communities compared to other ethnic groups.
Program Description: The fellowship is a year‐long program based in Washington
D.C. and will be awarded to a medical, public health, or policy professional who is
interested in strengthening the collaboration between key stakeholders and the
federal government in order to achieve practical solutions for the disparate impact
of hepatitis B on Asian American and Pacific Islanders. Key goals of the fellowship
will be:
1) To facilitate collaboration among grassroots efforts, health organizations and
governmental entities to advance healthcare policy and practices that are designed
to support effective screening, treatment and prevention initiatives for hepatitis B in
the Asian American and Pacific Islander community; and
2) To inform and support efforts by the Congressional Asian Pacific American
Caucus (CAPAC) members and other Congressional members to adopt a policy
platform and legislative agenda that effectively reduces the prevalence of hepatitis B
and increases care and treatment programs in heavily impacted communities.
Eligibility: All applicants are required to meet the following criteria:
♦ Applicants must be a citizen or legal resident of the United States;
♦ Applicants must be at a mid‐career level with at least five years of
management responsibility;
♦ Applicants must have completed a master's degree or doctorate (or the
equivalent thereof) in health services research, clinical services (including
providers), health administration, health law, health policy or a related
discipline such as economics or political science;
♦ Applicants should have demonstrated expertise in health policy issues,
particularly hepatitis B, and track record of informing health policy through
research, policy analysis or clinical leadership
Selection Criteria and Process: Fellows must be able to participate in the program
from March 2009 through March 2010 and reside / relocate to the Washington DC
metropolitan area. Applications should be submitted to AAPCHO and will be
reviewed by a selection committee. Final selection of the fellow will be made in
February 2009.
A prospective fellow must demonstrate professional experience and competence in
hepatitis B advocacy, financing and/or clinical services. Fellows must also
demonstrate significant interest in public policy and activities of the Legislative
branch and exemplify strong interest in applying hepatitis B field knowledge to
crafting and driving targeted policies to reduce the burden of hepatitis B amongst
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Fellows must be able to work in a fast‐paced
environment with minimal supervision, communicate effectively on a wide variety
of topics and be able to work cooperatively with a diverse group of individuals and
Application: Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications for the 2009
fellowship is March 2, 2009. Applications should be submitted electronically to
AAPCHO at and should include the following materials:
♦ A resume or curriculum vitae providing information about educational
background, professional employment and activities, professional
publications and presentations, public policy and legislative experience and
committee and advisory group appointments, particularly when related to
hepatitis B;
♦ A statement of no more than 750 words addressing the applicant's interests
in the fellowship, career goals, contributions the applicant believes he or she
can make as a hepatitis B professional to the legislative process and what the
applicant hopes to learn from the experience;
♦ A list of three professional references from the applicant's previous
institution(s) or organization(s) who can comment on the applicant's ability
to work with the CAPAC and other members of U.S. Congress as a special
legislative liaison.
For further questions regarding eligibility or the application process, please contact or call 510.272.9536 x 103.
Compensation: The fellowship stipend will be up to $75,000 per year plus benefits,
including health insurance and dental insurance. The stipend will be based upon
years of advanced experience. A portion of the relocation and transportation costs
may be covered.
AAPCHO is a national association representing community health organizations
dedicated to promoting advocacy, collaboration and leadership that improves the
health status and access of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders
in the United States. Since its inception in 1987, AAPCHO has advocated for policies
and programs that improve the provision of health care services that are community
driven, financially affordable, linguistically accessible, and culturally appropriate. As
a unified voice of its membership, AAPCHO shares its collective knowledge and
experiences with policy makers at the national, state, and local levels.
Victoria Tung | Executive Director | Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus | Congressman Michael M. Honda
1713 Longworth HOB | Washington, D.C. 20515 | (w) 202-225-2631 | (f) 202-225-2699