What the hell is this CRAP?! After the whole Miley Cyrus slanty eye business, there's seriously no need to make wooden eyewear in some "TRIBUTE" to the Inuit people! As quoted on their website:
"slanties are based on ancient Inuit eyewear. Each pair of slanties is handcrafted. Our light, durable finish shows off the natural wood grain. slanties are engineered to be sturdy and reliable, and each pair is reinforced with a layer of fiberglass. If cared for correctly, your slanties will last for 800 years. Wear slanties on the beach as functional sunglasses. Wear Slanties to the club. Wear slanties to visit your grandparents, they’ll love them too. We hope that each pair will bring you great happiness."
Uh, bullsh*t. Enough with this hipster shiet.

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