Dear Friends,
Just a quick reminder to RSVP for our Expanding the Circle panel discussion by March 25th -- we look forward to seeing you at the event!
The Asian American Institute cordially invites you to a panel discussion:
Expanding the Circle:
Asian Americans and Boards and Commissions
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Hosted by McDermott Will & Emery
227 W. Monroe Street, 44th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606
Asian Americans are underrepresented among the board members of
leading Chicago-area nonprofit and philanthropic organizations, and the majority of leading governmental commissions have no Asian American members.
What can we do to close the gap?
Tariq Butt, M.D., Chicago Board of Education
Lisa Yun Lee, UIC Jane Addams Hull-House Museum
Unmi Song, Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
Jennifer Chen, Hewitt Associates and AAI Board Member
Panelists will discuss their experience in serving on civic boards and commissions, the benefits and importance of board service, the board recruitment process, and typical responsibilities of board members. Light refreshments will be served.
We thank the law firm of McDermott Will & Emery for generously hosting this event, which is co-sponsored by the Asian American Bar Association of the Greater Chicago Area, NAAAP-Chicago, and the South Asian American Policy & Research Institute (SAAPRI). This panel discussion is part of AAI's Catalyst for a Responsive Civic Leadership (CRCL) program, which is supported by The Chicago Community Trust.
This event is free of charge, and RSVPs and photo IDs are required for building security purposes. Guests are welcome; please RSVP to Joanna Su at joanna@aaichicago.org or (773) 271-0899 or via facebook by Wednesday, March 25.
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