1. All Kids. Over 400,000 more kids are getting healthcare since Governor Blagojevich took office, including over 200,000 more kids since the Governor created All Kids, making Illinois the first state in the nation to provide healthcare to all children.
2. Minimum Wage. Raised the minimum wage twice in five years from $5.15 to $7.50, helping nearly 650,000 Illinoisans. Illinois' minimum wage will reach $8.25 by 2010.
3. Preschool for All. Created the Preschool for All program to make preschool available to every 3- and 4-year-old in the state who wants it. Now, 36,000 more children are able to attend preschool each year than did 5 years ago - a 64% increase.
4. Breast and Cervical Cancer. Became the first state in the nation to provide all uninsured women access to free mammograms and cervical cancer screenings and treatment; an additional 261,000 women are now eligible.
5. Veterans Healthcare. Established the Illinois Warriors Assistance Program, a
landmark Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder program for returning Illinois veterans. Illinois is the first state in the nation to offer screening to all returning vets for PTSD and TBI.
6. Renewable Energy. The Governor signed into law one of the nation's strongest renewable energy and energy efficiency standards. The renewable energy standard requiring utility companies to obtain 25% of their power from renewable sources, such as wind, by 2025.
7. Reduced Mercury Emissions. The Governor's historic mercury rule will protect the health of people and the environment by cutting toxic mercury emissions from nearly every coal-fired power plant in Illinois by 90 percent by 2009. This rule, among the strictest of any state and much stronger than federal restrictions, also requires the state's largest power producers to dramatically reduce emissions of dangerous smog and soot-forming pollution.
8. $8.4 billion for education. Over the past 5 years, the Blagojevich administration has invested $8.4 billion in new money into our schools, providing a larger increase to schools than any administration in Illinois history.
9. Dependent Care. 300,000 young adults in Illinois have access to health insurance because the Governor exercised his constitutional authority to improve legislation to allow young adults up to age 26, and up to age 30 for veterans, to stay on their parents' health insurance as dependents.
10. College Tuition. Expanded the MAP financial aid program to help nearly 15,000 more students.
11.Stem Cell Research. Signed legislation to become the first state in the Midwest to provide public support for stem cell research. Over the past few years, Illinois has provided $15 million for stem cell research.
12.Smoke•Free. Signed legislation to make Illinois Smoke-Free.
13,Campus Safety. Thanks to the Governor's leadership, Illinois is the first state in the nation to require that all public and private colleges and universities develop, maintain and practice a campus safety plan. These plans cover 183 colleges and universities and more than 800,000 students.
14.lIIinois Based Energy. In the last three years, Illinois has given more than $20 million to help build two biodiesel plants and three ethanol plants, creating new jobs and new markets for Illinois farmers. The Governor also committed $1 million to increase access to E-85 to increase access to E-85 and allow more gas station operators to offer ethanol fuel. Since 2004, the number of E-85 retail sales locations has increased from 14 to 145, which is about 20% of the entire nation's E-85 stations.
15.Open Road Tolling. Became the first state in the nation to
fully convert to Open Road Tolling, allowing millions of commuters more time to spend with their families while reducing pollution.
16. Mass Transit Funding. The Governor took action on legislation that modernized the funding system for mass transit in Illinois for the first time in more than two
decades. This increases funding for mass transit in Illinois by nearly $500 million year.
17.Seniors and Disabled Ride Free. Provided free mass transit rides to all Illinois seniors, as well 275,000 people with disabilities.
18.Investment Works and Summer Youth Employment. A community-based anti-violence initiative, to address the rising tide of violent crime among youth in Illinois. The Governor also provided 10,000 jobs to youth around the state during the summer of 2008.
19.FamilyCare. Over 250,000 more parents have enrolled in FamilyCare since the Governor took office, as a result of the Governor raising income eligibility to allow middle-class families to get comprehensive, affordable health insurance.
20.Illinois Cares Rx. Established Illinois Cares Rx as one of the nation's most generous and comprehensive safety nets for seniors who fall through the cracks of the federal Medicare prescription drug program. Since taking effect January 1, 2006, Illinois Cares Rx has provided extra assistance to nearly 250,000 seniors and other people needing prescription assistance.
21.Homeowner Assistance Initiative. Helped over 41000 homeowners who were having trouble with their mortgage facing foreclosure or who may have been a victim of mortgage fraud to refinance over $1 billion in home mortgages into loans they could afford and manage.
22.Veterans Memorial Tollway. Completed a major expansion of the Tollway system, the 12.5 mile Veterans Memorial Tollway, the first new highway in Illinois in two decades, spurring economic growth in Will County and making commuting easier.
23.Pensions. Invested a record $16 billion into our pension systems, more than any governor in Illinois history.
24.Government Efficiency. To cut costs, we have consolidated or eliminated 19 agencies. There are 141000 fewer employees today than in FY03, saving taxpayers more than $1 billion a year.
25.Graduation Standards. Raised graduation standards for the first time in 21 years All students are now required to take one additional year each of science, English and math, better preparing them for college and future careers.
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